Options For COVID Testing In Oakbrook

With the new COVID Delta variant on the rise, more and more people are searching for COVID testing sites in Oakbrook. It’s important to continue staying vigilant about potential symptoms, and to prevent the spread of this life-threatening disease. To help you protect your community, make sure that you know some testing spots in your local neighborhood. These days, there are many options for places to get your test, and there are often several different test types available.

As kids are going back to school and we’re hitting that time of year when the weather brings people indoors, there is potential for an uptick in COVID cases. Whether you are actively showing symptoms, you need a test to return to work or school, or you have a confirmed exposure to a sick person, a test is the first place to start.

What are the types of COVID tests available?

  • PCR test- this is the most common and often the most accurate, as it measures the amount of viral genetic material present (an antigen test vs. an antibody test). These tests can take a few days to come back from the lab.
  • LFT-  Lateral Flow Test, sometimes called a “snap” or rapid test, also looks for antigen materials (it can also be a form of a PCR test), but doesn’t need to be sent away to a lab. Results can be obtained in just a few hours in most cases.
  • Antibody test- measuring antibodies is often done with a blood sample, which can determine if you’ve been exposed to the virus already and your body has mounted an immune response.

Here in the Oakbrook area, there are many places where you can go for a COVID test. Depending on your situation, certain types of tests may be better for you, so chat with a healthcare provider first. Wondering where to get tested? Look at these spots:

  • Urgent care clinic- when you aren’t experiencing life-threatening symptoms, and want to avoid long waits at other clinics, urgent care can be a fast option.
  • Traditional doctor’s office- your primary care provider can issue a COVID test, which you can take in office.
  • Local drugstores- many pharmacies and drugstore chains now offer COVID testing, which you can usually schedule online.
  • Specialized testing sites- these are dedicated, pop-up sites for drive-through COVID testing, often run by government programs or off-site clinics.

Thanks to all of these options, COVID testing in Oakbrook is widely available, making it easy to get tested anytime you need. Come and visit our Oakbrook urgent care clinic—we offer all three types of tests and can take care of you fast. Call us today or make your appointment online.

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