3 Things to Always Have With You in Case of Emergency

We never know when life will throw us a curveball, but we can do everything in our power to be prepared. Whether you are commuting to work, traveling for vacation, or doing chores around the house, you can’t predict when an emergency may arise. Millions of people get sick or injured every single day. 


Take a few minutes to plan ahead, and give yourself the best possible chance at a positive outcome, no matter what. Here are three things you should always know or have with you, in case of emergency.


  1. Your medications.


If you take any kind of medication, especially those that treat life-threatening conditions, make sure you always have some with you. Always keep meds in your carry-on luggage when traveling, and keep a few extra pills in an organized case in your car or purse. The last thing you want is to be without your medication when you really need it.


  1. Your essential contacts.


Know the people in your life that you can count on to help you when tragedy strikes, and have their contact information easily accessible. This often means designating certain individuals as “in case of emergency/ICE” in your phone, or keeping their information written down in your car and home. And take the time to update your medical records with your emergency contacts as well.


  1. Local care options.


Don’t wait until time is of the essence and you need urgent care to search for clinics near you. Do a few minutes of searching now, and select the urgent care facilities, emergency rooms, and hospitals in your neighborhood. You can also verify that they accept your insurance, and add them to your contact list.


Beyond the practical basics here, in any situation, it’s best if you can have a sense of calm and flexibility. Know which things are in your control and which ones aren’t. Continue to breathe and stay centered, and seek the help you need when you need it.

DuPage Immediate Care is here to serve you and your family when life throws you something unexpected. Stop in or book your appointment today.

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