How to Prepare for Your Women’s Wellness Exam

Women’s wellness exams are an essential part of staying healthy and maintaining your overall well-being. These exams are designed to screen for common health issues, such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, and sexually transmitted infections. You can schedule your women’s health checkup with your local urgent care clinic, like DuPage Immediate Care—no need to wait for an opening at your primary physician’s office!

Here are some tips to help you prepare for your appointment:


Gather Your Medical History

Before your exam, make sure to gather your medical history. This includes any previous surgeries, medical conditions, and medications you’re currently taking. If you’re seeing a new doctor, it’s especially important to have this information on hand so they can get a better understanding of your overall health.


Wear Comfortable Clothing

When you’re preparing for your women’s wellness exam, it’s important to wear comfortable clothing. You’ll need to undress from the waist down for your pelvic exam, so wearing a skirt or loose-fitting pants can make the process more comfortable.


Avoid Sexual Activity

Before your exam, it’s recommended that you avoid sexual activity for at least 24 hours. This can help prevent any irritation or inflammation that may make your exam uncomfortable.


Prepare Your Questions

Finally, before your exam, make a list of questions or concerns you have for your doctor. This can help ensure all of your needs are addressed during your appointment, and that you don’t end up forgetting while you’re at the clinic.


Show Up Early

Give yourself plenty of time to get to the clinic a little bit early to check in. If you plan ahead, you can avoid rushing and creating more stress for yourself, and giving you a chance to catch your breath before the exam.

Remember, regular exams are an important part of staying healthy and taking care of yourself. Here at DuPage Immediate Care, we offer a wide range of primary care services, including women’s health exams. Simply give us a call to schedule, or walk in to our clinic when you’re ready!

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