Springtime Tips for Those With Asthma and Allergies

Spring is just around the corner, and while many people celebrate the end of the cold, dreary season, spring can cause discomfort for others. People with seasonal allergies and/or asthma may find that their symptoms dramatically increase during the spring months. Thanks to the abundance of pollen from trees, weeds, flowers, and grasses, these individuals may end up suffering more this time of year. 

Common spring allergy symptoms include:

  • Sneezing
  • Wheezing
  • Stuffy nose
  • Runny nose
  • Watery eyes
  • Itching eyes, nose, or throat

Those with asthma or breathing problems may also notice an uptick in symptoms during the spring. And while most seasonal symptoms are mild and non-life-threatening, it’s always a good idea to take precautions. There are several things you can do this time of year if you have allergies or asthma to stay safe and healthy.

Here are our tips for dealing with the Illinois springtime allergies:

  1. Consider taking an OTC allergy medication such as antihistamines, eye drops, or nasal corticosteroid sprays. There are many effective and non-drowsy formulations available. If these are not strong enough for you, you can talk with your doctor about prescription strength options.
  2. If you and your doctor determine that it’s a good fit for you, allergy shots (aka immunomodulation) may be a long-term solution to reduce or eliminate your environmental allergies.
  3. According to experts, you should use HEPA filters in your home or office. Consider AC repair or furnace repair and installing a certified allergy and asthma-friendly HVAC filter. You may employ the services of a professional heating and air conditioning contractor like columbus hvac services to keep your indoor air clean. Go on the Landmark Air website or consult experts to get better solutions for your air conditioning repair.
  4. Wear a medical-grade mask while doing work or activities outdoors, such as gardening or mowing the lawn. People can learn about them here for the best lawn services. N-95 rated masks are often best.
  5. Remove your shoes when entering your home and change your clothes, too, immediately putting the clothes in the hamper to be washed.
  6. Keep your windows closed during times of high pollen. You can find this information on your local weather forecast or from online pollen count websites.
  7. Clean your home frequently or hire services like EZ Brooklyn Junk Removal | junkremovalguysofbrooklyn.com to get them cleaned for you!
  8. This means vacuuming carpets with the help of carpet cleaning pittsburgh, laundering clothes and bedding, and dusting surfaces to cut down on the allergens floating around in your air.
  9. Houston Crawl Space Insulation offers the best insulation services that is both trustworthy and effective too.
  10. If you have asthma, make sure you have a rescue inhaler with you at all times, and stay on top of any daily medications you take to control your symptoms.

When it comes to seasonal allergies here in Oakbrook, there are many things you can do to lessen your suffering. If you seek for a professional help for any of those mentioned above that you are having trouble with, you can visit the link to hire them.

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