How to Stay Healthy While Traveling: International Travel Tips

Embarking on an international adventure is an exhilarating experience that opens doors to new cultures, landscapes, and memories. Before you set sail or climb aboard, it’s important to prioritize your health to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey. 

Here are five essential tips to help you stay as healthy as possible during international travels:


Before setting foot on foreign soil, make sure your immunizations are up to date. Research the specific health and immunization requirements for your destination, as different regions may pose distinct health risks. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), routine vaccines like measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis should be up to date for all travelers. Additionally, specific vaccines may be necessary based on your destination, such as hepatitis A and B, typhoid, and yellow fever. 

Consult with your healthcare provider well in advance to ensure you receive the necessary vaccines. Remember that some vaccinations may need to be administered in multiple doses, so plan accordingly.

Travel Medications

Pack a well-stocked travel health kit to address common health concerns that may arise during your trip. Include essentials like pain relievers, anti-diarrheal medications, and any prescription medications you regularly take. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends doing research about your destination, as each country has different laws about prescription and over-the-counter medications. Make sure that you will be allowed to have your medications with you without violating local regulations.

Additionally, consider bringing medications for motion sickness, allergies, and any specific conditions you may run into based on your destination. Ensure you have enough medication to last the entire trip, including a little extra in case of unexpected delays.

Urgent Care Options

While we hope for smooth travels, it’s essential to be prepared for unexpected health issues. Research local healthcare facilities, including hospitals and urgent care centers, in the areas you plan to visit. The International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers (IAMAT) provides a directory of doctors worldwide, offering valuable information for travelers in need of medical assistance.

Before departing, familiarize yourself with the local emergency number and keep a list of important contacts, including your insurance provider and the nearest embassy or consulate. This information can prove invaluable in a time-sensitive situation.


Maintaining proper hydration is often overlooked but is crucial for your well-being during international travel. Dehydration can exacerbate jet lag, make you more susceptible to illnesses, and negatively impact your overall travel experience. Also, many countries do not have safe, drinkable tap water available, so do your research on the best options (bottled water, portable filter) for your trip.

To stay adequately hydrated, carry a reusable water bottle and make a conscious effort to drink water regularly, especially in warmer climates. Avoid excessive consumption of caffeine and alcohol, as they can contribute to dehydration.


Reduce the risk of infections by practicing good hygiene habits. Wash your hands regularly, especially before meals, and carry hand sanitizer for times when soap and water are not readily available. The CDC reports that hand washing can prevent about 20% of respiratory infections and about 30% of diarrhea-related illnesses.

Be cautious about food and water safety, opting for bottled or treated water and avoiding street food in areas with questionable hygiene standards. By prioritizing cleanliness, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of falling ill during your travels.

Preparing for international trips involves more than just booking flights and accommodations. Prioritizing your health can contribute to a safer and more enjoyable travel experience for both you and your travel companions. By incorporating these tips into your travel preparations, you can embark on your international journey with confidence, knowing that you’ve taken essential steps to safeguard your well-being. 

If you need vaccinations or other pre-travel medical care, please visit DuPage Immediate Care today! Save your spot for a walk-in appointment or call 630-282-6002 to schedule an appointment.

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